
About Dr Dattani

Dr Dattani has been practicing for over 10 years and has a vast range of experience in general practice, dermatology, minor surgery and medical education.

He runs clinics at several GP practices based in East London and provides specialised services in dermatology/minor surgery in the community. Dr Dattani also supports the out of hours/urgent care services in Dartford. He runs the contaceptive Implant clinic for the local area. 

Dr Dattani is a Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary University MBBS programme and currently co-lead for year 4 CBME. He has an interest in academic research and was the first GP to present at the BSSCII (British association of dermatology) conference in 2022. Alongside his clinical duties Dr Dattani enjoys delivering talks to UK medical students nationwide and allied healthcare professionals. 


Contact Private secretary: Michael Stevens

Email: michaelrstevens09@gmail.com

Tel: 079 8436 6224    Mobile: 079 610 5047